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Ape and Essence: The Evolution of Unnaked Ape 

Jamie Tamboury’s interest in sewing began as a 6-year-old girl. Under the tutelage of her mother, Jamie was able to realize her ambition to create custom outfits for her pet cats. Now, many years and many bespoke kitty prom dresses later, she finds herself at the helm of Unnaked Ape, celebrating creativity and self-expression with the same sense of passion, humor, and mischief. 


Connor Alesi-Flack’s long and winding journey through the sartorial arts began in a hotel room in Dayton, Ohio, when, bored and slightly drunk, he sewed a button to a lampshade and declared, “this is the life for me”! 


The two were united through their shared love of creation, and UnNaked Ape began to walk upright (then immediately hunched back over it’s sewing machines…) 


Favoring sustainability over the disposable, UnNaked Ape seeks to combat fast-fashion with locally sourced and repurposed materials, transformed into well-made, meaningful items with story and soul. Every one of our creations is a testament to the potential of the obvious things which surround us, reimagined in ways that prove style is more than the clothes on our backs; it’s a statement of who we truly are. 

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