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Custom Designs and Alternations

Whatever flight of fancy your imagination takes, Unnaked Ape can help make it a reality.
Whether you need a replica of your favorite character’s costume for an upcoming Con, a
matching shirt/vest/pants combo to hit the town in style, or some custom oven mitts to let those
turkeys know you mean business this Thanksgiving, Unnaked Ape can craft any apparel or
accessory you could want. Infinitely customizable and deeply personal, Unnaked Ape will work
alongside you to create your perfect fit.
In addition to crafting something completely fresh, Unnaked Ape also wants to give your
clothes a new lease on life. Don’t throw away or donate that dress or torn pair of pants, let us
reuse the material to create something new and exciting. This reduces fashion waste, and is a
great way to make sure the old favorites from your wardrobe stick around for many years to
Contact us to discuss details, and let’s get started on something you’ll cherish!

Get Inspired & Lets Create!

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